I have been using the Alpha-H Gentle Daily Exfoliant for the last few weeks, and found it to be, as the name states, great for everyday use. I didn't feel the immediate or 'wow' effects of this product after every use, but found that over time it did shift the dead skin I had kicking on my face. Alpha-H also claims that it is:
*great for sweeping out congested pores and blackheads(unsure)
*effective in reducing redness and pigmentation (possibly)
My favourite things about exfoliants like these are that they don't cause redness in the skin immediately after use, and they help my moisturiser sink right on in to the deeper layers of my skin. My skin acts out with most new introductions to it's regime, but this little baby slid right in without a fuss.
The exfoliant contains crushed fruit enzymes that are derived from green papaya and pineapple, and are activated when you mix the powder with a small amount of water in your palm. I will admit, at this point, that I found this at first to be a little bit of a pain. My main gripe was that the powder dries wherever it drips, which was often down my arm (a messy skincare user indeed) and I found my rings to be covered in residue from Alpha-H after each use of this product! My rings were pretty dirty to begin with, but it was still not an outcome I aimed for.
I found this to be most effective when following the instructions to the letter: mix powder in hand with small amount of water, rub over face in circular motions for one minute. It felt like a luxe little facial massage, and allowed me to fully enjoy the finely milled nature of the exfoliant.
Overall, I enjoyed and am still enjoying this product, and also find it's super-light weight great for travel (even if it's only to my man's place) Am unsure whether or not I will repurchase this when my bottle is up, but I do think it's one of the best daily exfoliants I have tried so it's a definite possibility.
More information can be found here
emmabovary xx
(this product for send for consideration,for review, but as always my opinions are honest and my own)
I've been reading everyone's reviews of this and I really want it, it looks interesting!