Friday, October 5, 2012

Sydney Skincare // What I Packed for IMATS & BBU

As those of you who follow me on Twitter (here!) would know, I spent the last week in Sydney to attend IMATS and Beauty Blogger Utopia. IMATS is a trade show for makeup artists that travels the world and is a haven for makeup lovers, while BBU was organised by Makeup Utopia and is a beauty bloggers conference to learn more about both beauty and blogging, while spending time with likeminded folk. I was a good girl and took care of my skin while on holiday, and thought I'd share what I took with me!
Oh, there is also some haircare and body care in there, but ya know they have skin too!
I knew that this wasn't going to be like my tropical holidays where I take basics and make do. I wanted my skin to look its best for the weekend, but as luck would have it my skin decided to be a little shit anyway. At least I tried my best! As you can see a lot of these are sample or travel sized products, most of which I use at home but some I just brought because of their size. A sidenote, the tub of Alpha-H is actually my Kerastase Nectar Thermique sachets decanted ;) Cheeky!
It is only when I get my skincare together for its family photo that I realise how French-heavy it is-what can I say, I love the stuff! Kiehls is also heavily featured (though most was left at home for this holiday) and I am enjoying trawling through their products and finding what my skin likes to snuggle with. The Bioderma Sebium H2O is similar to the Crealine cleansing water but contains more ingredients, colour etc and is therefore not eye safe. I decanted some of my (crappy) Garnier eye makeup remover to use on the eye area as a substitute but it leaked before we even left for the airport! I went to a store and bought some Clinique dual phase eye makeup remover to replace it and I am impressed so far.
Had to bring one of my Haus of Gloi sample pots along for the ride, I used this a lot while lounging around in the hotel room and the Ghost Puffs scent is approved by Chris' nostrils as well as mine! The Jurlique mask tube is neverending, it's the Intense Recovery mask and I use it to hydrate (and say sorry to my skin if I have a glass of champers!) I couldn't go anywhere without my Mario Badescu goodies, I pop the Drying Lotion on any spots before they erupt to make them vacate, and I use the Buffering Lotion every second evening to stop the bumpy skin action from happening!
So this turned into a skincare ramble (I love to read these, hope you do too!) but if you would like to know details of products I took with me, ask away in the comments below and I can elaborate (ie chat away some more with you!)
Hope your skin is lookin' ace today!


  1. I've been wanting to buy the Drying Lotion for a long time, but I still have some anti-acne things I want to finish up first D:

    OH and I LOVE Ghost Puffs! In fact, I love Haus of Gloi!! :D

  2. I'm waiting on my first Haus of Gloi order and almost got Ghost Puffs, but didn't. I'll have to try it though!

    I so want to try that Jurlique mask too!

  3. With that lot I'd be just as happy holing up in the hotel room playing with it all! What fragrance did you take away with you?


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